A Homebirth Cesarean - the Birth of Rune
All of the births we document stick with us. They work their way into our hearts…and never really leave. I can run into a birth client at the zoo or a coffee shop, and I’m almost immediately transported back into time. I remember so vividly their courage and strength as they brought their baby into the world.
But then there are some birth stories that seem to dig their way even deeper. Rune’s birth story is one of them.

A Second Cesarean Birth at Good Samaritan
I love this birth for many reasons - but there is something so remarkable about the the breadth of human emotion these images contain. You can see so much in her face as we waited to go back into the OR - a process that so many parents can relate to…the letting go of one phase of life/parenthood so that you can begin another. And then when she meets her baby - such peace and relief and love.

Gentle Cesarean Birth at Littleton Hospital - the Birth of Everly
Morgen was determined to have a different birth experience this time. A better birth experience. She found a new provider, who listened and supported her. She wanted a gentle cesarean - a birth that would allow her to enjoy her daughter’s arrival and the days that followed. I was so excited to document Morgen’s story because I knew it would be a healing one.