A Mother-Led Homebirth in Lakewood
Monet Moutrie Monet Moutrie

A Mother-Led Homebirth in Lakewood

This was a special birth for so many reasons, but one of the things I loved most about this particular birth was that it gave this mom the ability to 1) go into labor on her own time and 2) not feel like her birth/bleeding was an emergency.

We can’t always control what happens in our births. I wish that EVERYONE could have a healing and redemptive experience after a challenging birth. I know this isn’t possible or safe for every person…but I also know that when it does happen…it’s a gift.

And this birth was the most beautiful gift…for all of us.

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Catching your Own Baby - Homebirth of 6th baby
Monet Moutrie Monet Moutrie

Catching your Own Baby - Homebirth of 6th baby

This birth and these images remind me of a crisp, fall morning…where the air is still warm but there’s a hint of cold in the air. They are warm, inviting, peaceful, and beautiful. The kind of birth images I’d want to curl up with. I’ve also included footage of the moment baby was born - caught and delivered by Ashlee herself.

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