The Denver Homebirth of Hazel

I first met Leah at a mutual client's birth a couple of years ago. As our client worked through intense and building contractions, I watched Leah's presence transform the room. She was gentle yet strong. She exuded peace. She was an amazing doula and person. It didn't take much time with her to see and feel the light she exuded to the world. 

When she reached out several months later about birth photography, I couldn't wait to document her story. And then we learned that she lost her baby. Micah. There aren't words for this type of loss. 

And so Leah, her family, and her friends processed and prayed. I cried when she reached out to me again. I heard the hope and the longing. I knew this baby would be welcomed into the world with such love, with such joy, and with such longing. 

Leah's birth earlier this month was beautiful. Peaceful. Full of tears and laughter. Cleansed with an afternoon rainstorm. I saw her strength and peace once again. I felt her light exude through her house. She gave birth to a girl...after three boys...a beautiful baby girl. Hazel, you are surrounded by such love and joy. Welcome to our world. 

House Plants at Home Birth
Woman labors through contractions at home
partners feel baby under water
intense contraction at Denver homebirth
baby somersaults into world
cord at denver birth
waterbirth image at Denver homebirth
joy of holding baby after birth
birth photography
new family
waterbirth baby
water birth with gina gerboth
Family embraces on bed after birth
relaxing after home birth in Denver
big brothers meet baby
big brother after birth
dad holds baby
images from home birth
newborn exam with gina gerboth
grandfather holds new baby
grandmother holds new baby
newborn baby after home birth

A Quick and Peaceful Homebirth in Baker


The Denver Homebirth of Nathaniel in Stills and Film