Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

VBAC Friendly Providers in Denver

We are all unique with complex histories and values. There isn’t one best VBAC provider because every person who VBACs has different goals and dreams for their birth experience.

But I did want to share a NON-COMPREHENSIVE list of VBAC providers in the Denver area. I share some of my experiences and thoughts as a doula and birth photographer…but please know that YOU are always the best person to make the choice for your birth and your baby. I do think we are very lucky to live in a city that has ample options (from home to hospital) for families that want a VBAC. I know that not all places and communities are as blessed with providers and birth locations that are supportive.

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A Colorado Twin Homebirth

My client Brooke entered this pregnancy with one homebirth already…and she knew that this choice was entirely hers to make. She decided to give birth at home after careful consideration and consultation. She entered into this experience with a full heart and deep peace about her choice.

Her twin birth was one of the least complicated births I witnessed in 2023. The babies came right out, one after each other, both en caul. They didn’t need any breathing assistance. Her bleeding was minimal. Her older child played on the floor as his little brothers entered the world. She walked into the bedroom, snuggled in bed, and began breastfeeding them right away. I was so moved by this experience because it reminded me that the person who knows best is the mother. And the person who will be impacted the most…is the mother.

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