Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

Denver Homebirth Photography - the Birth of Everlee

You know you're behind in blogging when you're sitting down to write down one of your favorite birth stories...and your incredible client is already pregnant with her next baby! I loved capturing Everlee's birth story last year, and I'm already counting down the days until I get to document her little brother or sister's birth story this fall. Ashlee is one of those women that blows you away with her strength, her humor, and her beauty. She's one of those people that I connected with instantly (even though when she first reached out...we were newly pregnant and I was sick as sick can be!) Ashlee and Dan and I met at Huckleberry Roasters a couple of months before she was due. We sat down and talked about birth, marveling at it's power and unpredictability. We talked about her first two birth stories, and we eagerly anticipated her third. When Ashlee went into labor, I drove up to their home and spent the afternoon in the beautiful haze that is so common at homebirths. Ashlee labored so peacefully, so calmly,and both her midwife and I thought her birth would stretch well into the night. But suddenly, her contractions seemed to shift. She told Dan she needed to go to the bathroom, and so he gently took her hand and supported her as she walked those ten to fifteen feet. Her midwife and I were sitting together in the bedroom, chatting casually, when we heard that tell-tale grunt. We both looked at each other, I grabbed my camera and by the time we made it those fifteen feet, we saw Everlee's head being gently born into her father's hands. I dove on the floor and managed to capture her first incredible moments in this world. They're still some of my favorite birth photography images ever. We were all in shock but also so very happy at how quickly and peacefully Everlee had made her arrival. Ashlee and Dan, thank you for letting me capture your birth story. I can't wait to see what happens next time! 
