Homebirth without a Birth Tub — Denver Birth Photographer - Monet Nicole
Denver Birth Photography

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You don't need a birth tub to have a homebirth!

Waterbirth is AMAZING. I have had two waterbirths myself - so I’ll be the first to tell you that the birth tub can provide some serious pain relief. BUT, I think many folks feel like homebirth and waterbirth need to go hand and hand…and they absolutely don’t! Many folks prefer to give birth outside of the water for a variety of reasons. The most important thing to remember is that there is no ONE right way to have a baby. Give yourself as many choices and options as possible.

  1. Space. Birth tubs take up a lot of space! I’ve worked with many clients that have a smaller bedroom or birth space and they don’t want a birth tub to occupy important real estate in their home.

  2. Ease. I think one of the biggest stressors for most partners when labor begins is….filling up the birth tub. I can’t tell you how many dads I’ve helped over the years. Once contractions get strong and active, filling up the birth tub can become a very daunting and distracting chore.

  3. Desire to be GROUNDED. Birth tubs provide AMAZING pain relief, but they can also make you feel very buoyant. Some folks LOVE the sensation of floating while other folks prefer to sink down into the bed/ground/birth stool. This is often one of those things you don’t necessarily know until you’re in it…and I’ve seen clients feel differently at each birth!

  4. Temperature. Birth tubs aren’t temperature controlled, and so they have a tendency to be cooler or hotter than you want after a certain period of time. Also, a lot of folks don’t have water heaters that are big enough to fill up a tub…so we’re often having to fill up a tub partially and then wait for the water heater to refill.

  5. Cost. Birth tubs aren’t expensive but they aren’t free either!

  6. Easier transition after birth. If you give birth on or near your bed, you don’t have to do anything but cuddle up with your babe. If you’re in a birth tub in your living room…eventually you’ll need to get out, dry off, and move from tub to bed. This can be a bit of a jarring experience for some!

All that being said, I know waterbirth has many amazing benefits that so many families love (and I’ve had two myself). The important thing is that folks realize that there is never one right way to give birth (or have a homebirth). I hope these images from a variety of Denver Homebirths inspire you! And please share your own experiences with birthing in and out of water in the comments below!

toilet birth
Women gives birth standing up at home
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