Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

Colorado Springs Birth Photography: the Birth of Cooper

Sam and Jake live near some of our dearest friends (who are now expecting a baby themselves fall...woohoo!) These dear friends connected me to Sam when they learned she was looking for a birth photographer. Sam and I hit it off immediately. Not only did we share a love of birth, but we bonded over good design, Oscar fashion, and Wes Anderson films. 

Sam went into labor the night before Cooper was born. She attempted to sleep and then called me and her midwife to come over the next morning. When we arrived, Sam was clearly in active labor, and it seemed like baby would be here soon. She and Jake labored together beautifully and Cooper was born early that afternoon. 

There's nothing better than becoming friends with your clients. I'm truly honored to be able to tell a part of their story! 

Birth Photography Denver
Birth Photography Colorado Springs
Denver Birth Photographer
Birth Photography Denver
Denver Birth Photographer
Birth Photography Colorado Springs
Birth Photography Denver
Birth Photographer Colorado Springs
Birth Photographer Denver
Birth Photographer Denver
Birth Photographer Colorado Springs
Birth Photographer Denver