A Tiny Home Homebirth in Colorado

Often pregnant families are curious about homebirth. It’s an amazing option for low-risk pregnant people, and I feel honored to attend dozens each year. But many folks wrongly assume that you need to have a certain type of house to accommodate a birth. The reality is that birth can happen anywhere. In big homes, in small homes. In walk-in closets, in kitchens. Birth happens outside. It happens in the car. It happens in the elevator at a hospital. It happens pretty much everywhere.

When my repeat clients reached out to me about documenting their second birth I was thrilled. Their first birth had gone differently than they had planned. Bree’s water had broken early, meaning she needed to transfer from a free-standing birth center to UCH for delivery. Despite such a drastic change in plans, their birth was still magical. Bree delivered quickly and fiercely…standing up as the midwife ran in the room to catch her baby.

But they wanted something different this time. They wanted a peaceful birth in a place they felt more comfortable - their home. But unlike many of us, home looked a little bit different for Bree and Trevor. They lived in a tiny home in a trailer on family land. I knew Bree well at this point, and so I was certain that her home was going to be beautiful…but I had no idea just how magical this little place was going to be. From the gorgeous and expansive landscape to the intimacy and warmth of their tiny home…it was just perfect.

They managed to find a birth tub that fit just perfectly into the entrance of the trailer. They had their family there…who spent most of the birth sitting outside in the warm, summer sun. Their older kiddo Jack played and frolicked around while his baby sister was being born…and then came in just an hour or so afterwards to meet her.

I hope this birth story is inspiring and reminds you that birth happens everywhere. And the magic always reside in love.


A Healing VBAC with the Center for Midwifery (CFM)


A peaceful 4th birth at Seasons Birth Center in Denver, Co