Denver Birth Photographer: A Beautiful Mountain Midwifery Center Birth
Mountain Midwifery Center is Colorado's oldest free-standing birth center. They have paved the way for so much positive change in the birth world here in Denver. Over the summer, Mountain Midwifery Center moved into a beautiful new space. A much deserved transition.
When I talked with Cait, and learned that she would be giving birth right around the time of the move, I sincerely hoped she'd have the opportunity to give birth in the new space. When the move happened, and Cait's baby was still nestled happily inside, we were all thrilled.
Cait just brims with life. I loved chatting with her in the weeks that led up to her birth, and by the time July arrived, I felt like we were old friends. Her birth was fast and full of connection. She and her husband worked together beautifully. These images still give me chills when I look through them.
I was so honored to photograph Cait and her family, as well as Mountain Midwifery's beautiful new home.