Favorite Photos from 2021 - Part 6
Wow. Completely blown away by the response these collections have received. I love reflecting and celebrating the births I attended last year, and I love that these images are still bringing inspiration and hope to folks around the world.
This is probably my FINAL collection of favorites from 2021. As I wrap this series up - I’m just overwhelmed with gratitude. 2021 was an immensely challenging year for me personally (I experienced a partial molar pregnancy, as well as two other losses, as well as a nasty COVID infection). The birth community, my clients, and our friends truly helped us shoulder burden after burden. I’m so thankful that I was able to keep working…and that we made it to the hope of a new year. So thank you again - for your love, support, understanding, and presence.
And clients: If you haven’t seen your birth story on these favorites lists…it might be due to your model release (I never hare unless I have written permission). Reach out if you’d like me to include one from yours. I’d love to do so :)
This sweet baby was due in 2022, but surprised us in the middle of December. My official “last” baby of 2021 (and also my smallest…but mightiest too!)
I love all the hands during this beautiful homebirth in Elizabeth, CO.
I met this sweet mom when we were both pregnant with our first babies. What an honor to then document her second…and third. This stunning waterbirth took place at Colorado Birth and Wellness.
This cesarean birth took place at Good Samaritan. Although we weren’t allowed back into the OR, the anesthesiologist took this image with our camera that we sent back with them.
One of my repeat clients had a beautiful homebirth…where she bravely pushed out a direct OP (posterior baby). You can see the caput on his head here!
A gush of blood to indicate placenta is ready to detach. I love the composition of this image…the color…the vernix. And YES mom did not suffer from any excess bleeding. She and baby were fine.
This mama welcomed her second baby into her arms at a beautiful waterbirth at the Birth Center of Denver.
Her eyes. Their hands. They welcomed their third baby at Littleton Adventist Hospital in December!
A moment of surrender after a powerful HBAC with Peace, Love and Shari.
I don’t know if there is a sweeter image to end on. Photo by my partner, Brittany, at Colorado Birth and Wellness.