Favorite Photos from 2021 - Part One
What a year it’s been! My team photographed over 75 births in Denver, and we were so moved by our client’s strength, resilience, and love.
Giving birth during a pandemic is no small feat. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite images of some of the strongest people I know - my clients!
This incredible mom had a beautiful VBAC at UCH.
A beautiful homebirth for these first time parents in the heart of Denver, with Peace, Love & Shari.
Welcoming their fourth baby at Rose Hospital.
A gorgeous afternoon homebirth. She welcomed her third baby into the world…and her first boy. Attended by Gina Gerboth of Metro Midwifery!
@thelabormama showing off her sweet baby boy to big sisters at home!
We weren’t able to go to the hospital with these parents, but were still able to document their labor at home. Photo taken by my associate, Rebecca.
Rising up out of the water after a beautiful homebirth with Mountain Miracles. I wasn’t able to attend (as I was recovering from a D&C, but Lindsey Eden went in my stead).
A powerful rainbow birth at Colorado Birth and Wellness
A gorgeous, peaceful homebirth of this family’s 3rd baby…and first girl! Photo taken by my associate, Rebecca.