Favorite Photos from 2021 - Part Two
What a year it’s been! My team photographed over 75 births in Denver, and we were so moved by our client’s strength, resilience, and love.
Giving birth during a pandemic is no small feat. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite images of some of the strongest people I know - my clients!
This is part two. You can visit part one.
This amazing first time mom gave birth in her car, on South Broadway!
A beautiful daytime birth at St. Joes.
We loved this physiological birth with the Center for Midwifery at the University of Colorado.
This mom welcomed her fourth baby…and first girl…at her home in a quick and peaceful birth with Peace, Love & Shari.
A beautiful and powerful birth at St. Joes.
A fast and stunning waterbirth at Colorado Birth & Wellness.
These first time parents had a beautiful homebirth…and welcomed the sweetest, most alert baby!
Falling in love at Lutheran Hospital.
This sweet homebirth happened during a blizzard! SO much love and beauty.
This threepeat client had her third baby at home…with her husband and kiddos right beside her.