Homebirth Space Inspiration
Our homes have become our havens this last year. We’ve sheltered in place, baked dozens of banana bread loaves, worked and learned from our living rooms, and some of us have even given birth.
In one of the many birth facebook groups I’m part of…I saw a pregnant person asking for pictures of different homebirth spaces. And I loved seeing what folks shared. Birth affirmations. Beautiful plants. Twinkling lights. Simple set-ups and elaborate ones.
There’s no one way to give birth…and there’s no one way to prepare your home for a homebirth.
I looked through some of the recent homebirths I attended…and I put together this collection of images. In the end, the only thing that seemed truly essential to any beautiful homebirth was the humans that lived inside that home. The partners, animals, children, parents, sisters, midwives…that’s what made those homebirths magical, in my opinion (but twinkling lights can help too).
Peaceful Rest after a Waterbirth. Love the low-lying bed.
This homebirth took place in a tiny-home trailer.
I loved this houseplant next to the tub she gave birth in….
Blankets and pillows and texture on this day bed
Loved the sweet children toys in the background
Loved this beautiful Picasso print
Postpartum Bliss
Loved the Christmas decorations in the background
Older sister’s books and clothes in the background - perfect
Birth affirmations in the background