A Love-Filled Homebirth in Denver, Colorado

Casey and Josh are one of those couples that are just so evidently in love with each other. I had the honor of documenting their first birth and was overjoyed when they found out they were expecting their second. Their first birth was surprisingly fast, intense, and maybe even a little overwhelming. The flurry of activity that surrounded Casey as she powerfully birthed her baby was something she always remembered…and something that she wanted to be different the next time around.

And so they decided that a home birth was the best fit for their sweet family…and oh it most certainly was. Casey went into labor in the evening and it was a much slower and gentler process. Josh was right beside her the entire time. The lights were dim. The dogs were quiet but aware. We spoke softly. We laughed. And then we all marveled as the two of them brought their baby girl into the world.

Baby Remi opened her eyes almost immediately after birth. She was alert and reached out several times to touch her mom’s face. After several joyful minutes, they got out of the tub together and snuggled on the couch in the early hours of the morning.

It was a beautiful birth for so many reasons…but perhaps most importantly because of how much unhindered connection and love filled the room.


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