Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

Denver Birth Photographer: the quick and peaceful homebirth of Theo

Cassidy is an amazingly talented photographer. When she reached out to me about photographing her upcoming birth, I was honored. Not only is Cassidy a fellow photographer, but she's one of those beautiful and compassionate people the world needs more of. 

Cassidy's first birth (also a homebirth) had gone quickly so we were all anticipating an even faster second delivery. When she went to a standard prenatal appointment with her midwife (the amazing Jessica Nipp) she learned she'd been walking around 5 centimeters dilated! She was having mild cramps so we knew that baby was probably going to come...and come quickly.

Like any good photographer, Cassidy decided to give birth in the afternoon, with beautiful light pouring through the windows of her Victorian house. (Haha, just kidding...but really, the timing was perfect.) Just as we expected her labor was fast and intense once it started. Probably under an hour. Theo was born in the water and brought up into his mother's arms. It was a beautiful, sacred, life-giving experience....and one I will always remember with much fondness. 

Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer
Denver Birth Photographer